Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Just this past weekend I went to a day-long Advent retreat led by the incredibly gifted counselor and author Jan Meyers-Pruett. She spoke of hope; in particular "The Allure of Hope." It was exactly what my soul needed.

Most people would describe me as a positive, optimistic person (at least I think so!). Yet, when I look into the depths of my soul, I find places where I've sort of let go of hope. I don't mean losing all sense of hope, just areas where my hope has become dull, disenchanted, or hidden. Hope brings life and future, yet at the same time can be very scary--think of the last time you hoped for something that didn't come around, or took a long time to occur. I found myself asking, "What happens to our tender, unashamed hope? Perhaps it's "maturity." I even think of a mean little girl in elementary school who began teaching me to be more guarded. Whether our deepest longings, or currently for me desiring a job for my husband in which he can truly use his talents, there is fear to fully embrace those hopes lest expectations not be met. Hope causes yearning. An ache. A pain that asks the question, "How will this [longing] happen?"

One of my favorite words around Christmas time is Emmanuel. God with us. God with us--that we may bring hope to the world. Befriend the hurting. Bring light that pierces the corruption and darkness we all know exists. We will always have yearning because our very beings long for something more whole than this. In the mean time, it is hope that brings God to this world. Gently looking at the hidden areas of my heart where my hope is disillusioned has led me to meditate on Emmanuel this Christmas. May we bring hope to the world--God with us.

1 comment:

Lindsay Schardt said...

goooooooooood blog bam :)

love your thoughts.